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Fantasy a Sci-fi
zahrnuje rubriky:

Tip Obchůdku
Lord of the Rings: The Art of the Fellowship of the Ring
The Art of
the Fellowship
of the Ring

500 obrázků z filmu
955 Kč

JRR Tolkien: Nejčtenější články
Opravdu zajímavé perličky o filmech...
Ukázka na 4DVD verzi Společenstva p...
Aktualizace of. stránek filmu
Křížíkova fontána - Projekce "Pán P...
Encyklopedie světa J.R.R. Tolkiena

Nejoblíbenější pohlednice

New Line Cinema
Nové články na peoples.cz

What´s wrong with me?

What´s wrong with me?

I was just a tiny child
Without an idea of the world outside
but when my papa came home,
he just gave me a slap.

And I was asking:
„Papa, whats wrong with me?“
And he kept silent till the day he left…

I was just a lovely teen
Without an idea of the love of man
but when my lover came to me,
he just gave me a slap.

And I was asking:
„Lover, whats wrong with me?“
And he kept silent till the day he left…

I m now just a human being
Without an idea of my religion
but when i try to get my faith
It just gives me a slap

And I´m still asking:
„Oh Lord, whats wrong with me?“
And It keeps silent till the day I´ll leave...

E-mail: [email protected]
Vloženo: 23:41:04  02. 07. 2004

4.8 (6 hlasů)

Komentáře (1)
1 - nepovedené
2 - nic moc
3 - průměr
4 - dobré
5 - skvělé
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Fantasy a Sci-fi: Jeremiho Čítárna
© Jirka Wetter, [email protected]
, 2000 - 2005
Design: Rinvit, Jeremius
URL: http://fantasy-scifi.net/citarna/

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